
The club rules are shown below. Additionally, this CASA Instrument permits ASA members to fly their model aeroplanes to a maximum height of 1500 feet above ground level (AGL).

Rules of the Alice Springs Aeromodellers:

All flying is to be conducted as per CASR Part 101, MAAA MOP056 Safe flying code and MOP014 General flying rules. It is each member’s responsibility to be familiar with these procedures. Rules are to be complied with at all times whilst operating at Pedlar Field.

Additional rules as required by members of Alice Springs Radio Control Modellers are as follows:

Visitors to the field must sign the visitors’ book and comply with MOP042 for insurance purposes.

All model aeroplanes flown must be radio-controlled.

People not holding bronze wings qualifications may access the field with agreement from the committee. Where the club lacks an instructor for a discipline to assess a bronze wing qualification, the member may fly that discipline unsupervised where the committee deems it appropriate, after consultation. Members not holding bronze wing qualifications for disciplines the club has instructors for must fly under the supervision of another club member who holds the appropriate bronze wing qualification. All members are encouraged to complete the bronze wing assessment where possible.

Flying visitors to the club (MAAA affiliated or not) are to be under the supervision of a club member for their initial flight to assess their competence level.

Mobile phones are prohibited on the flight line. People filming with phones are to ensure they are switched to airplane mode whilst on the flight line.

The club’s VHF radio monitoring Alice Springs Airport’s frequency must be switched on whenever flying is in progress in order to monitor air traffic activity in the vicinity.

Smoking is only permitted in the carpark area.

Dogs must be under control of their owner at all times.

Children must be under control of their parents/guardians at all times.

At least one fire extinguisher is to be placed in the starting area before flying commences and be returned to the clubhouse by the last person to leave the field.

Frequency keys must be displayed on the frequency board for operations on 36MHz.

Electric aircraft are to be armed in the starting area. No running of motors or engines in the pit area under the tin roof.

The western end of the pit area is for starting of models (designated by yellow line and starting restraints). Restraints are to be used where possible. Models are not to be unattended in the pit start up area.

All aircraft over 7kg require a Heavy Model permit. Inspection and Temporary Permit to Fly must be completed prior to test flying.

Flying is courtesy based. Pilots should be mindful of giving beginners’ room and accommodating all modelling discipline and aircraft types.

One aircraft in the air can fly at the discretion of the pilot. Two aircraft in the air can fly as negotiated between the pilots but must land in the predominant wind direction. Three or more aircraft must fly circuits in the predominant wind direction.

Flying is to be conducted south of the runway at all times. The centreline of the runway extending to infinity is the basis for this. No flying is permitted over the pit area or carpark.

All take-off’s or hand launches must occur from the runway. All hand launches must occur from in front of or upwind of the pilots’ box whilst standing on the runway. Take-off’s from the taxiway are not permitted.

Carrying of small aircraft on and off the runway is permitted if such aircraft exhibit difficulty taxing due to wind conditions or battery/fuel duration.

After take-off all pilots must return to behind the safety fence of the pilots’ box. All landings are to be completed with the pilot standing behind the safety barrier in the pilots’ box. An exception to this will be made for maiden flights only.

All pilots are to stand behind the safety barrier or sit in the chairs in the pilots’ box whilst flying. Pilots must be close enough to allow for effective communication at all times. Pilots are to announce “on the runway”, “take-off”, “landing” and “dead stick” so as all other pilots are aware.

Landing and training aircraft have right of way.

The painted yellow solid line on the taxiway is the engine shut off point and no aircraft are to pass this line with engines running.

All members of the club shall be bound by this code of conduct:
NOTE: All reference to ‘Members’ is deemed to also refer to ‘Guests of Members’. Members and Guests of Members have a right to:

  1. Be treated fairly, equally and with respect by the Committee and other members.
  2. Socialise in an environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination.
  3. Voice their opinions, requests and suggestions to a Committee member.
  4. Be informed and actively involved in all Club events and offerings.

Members and Guests of Members must:

  1. Treat other members and guests fairly, equally, with respect and courtesy.
  2. Behave responsibly and ensure they conduct themselves in a manner which will notdamage the reputation of the club, its events, organisers, participants or sponsors.
  3. Respect ‘family friendly’ as a core Club value and not physically or verbally harass others.
  4. Report any inappropriate behaviour of a member behaviour of a member to the Committee for follow up and action.
  5. Ensure that behaviour during the use of or participation in the Club’s social mediachannels are consistent with the Code of Conduct and must not cause injury, humiliation or distress to any individual, whether that individual be a member of the Club or any other person.
  6. Abide by and uphold the Alice Springs Aeromodellers Constitution and Code of Conduct.

Breaches of the Code of Conduct:

Any breaches of this code or any action deemed inappropriate behaviour of any member(s) will be investigated and an appropriate course of action will be taken by the Committee, which may include a reprimand, suspension or revocation of membership.

The Rules and Code of Conduct policy of the Alice Springs Aeromodellers

I ____________________________ have read and understand the (Name)

Rules and Code of Conduct policy of the Alice Springs Aeromodellers.

By signing below I agree to abide by the rules of the Alice Springs Aeromodellers and Code of Conduct policy.

__________________________ _________________

Signature Date